basecam’s documentation#

This is the Sphinx documentation for the SDSS Python product basecam. This documentation is for version 0.8.0.

basecam provides an abstract library for wrapping of astronomical CCD cameras. The goals of this project are:

  • To provide a uniform API to control CCD cameras regardless of their specific implementations.

  • To reduce code cluttering by abstracting the parts of the implementation that are common to all cameras.

  • To provide sever-client access to the camera over TCP-IP or other channels by using CLU.

  • To reduce the amount of code that needs to be tested to the low-level camera implementation.

  • To provide tools to create models for FITS extensions and headers.

basecam is an asynchronous library that uses asyncio. basecam has been developed for use in the SDSS project but it can be used with any astronomical camera (and, arguably, with any camera).


Indices and tables#