
0.8.0 - January 16, 2024#

✨ Improved#

  • Cast output exposure_time to float.

⚙️ Engineering#

  • Lint using ruff.

  • Update workflows.

  • Update RTD config and docs building.

0.7.2 - April 27, 2023#

✨ Improved#

  • Improved overwritting of BSCALE and BZERO for compressed headers.

  • Cast data to float32 before stacking multiple exposures.

0.7.1 - March 10, 2023#

✨ Improved#

  • Updated to using sdss-clu 2.0.0.

0.7.1b1 - March 10, 2023#

✨ Improved#

  • Updated to using sdss-clu 2.0.0b2.

0.7.0 - December 22, 2022#

💥 Breaking changes#

  • Dropped Python 3.7 to allow newer versions of numpy and scipy. numpy is not explicitely in the requirements and is installed by astropy (see #31).

✨ Improved#

  • Compress gzipped FITS file in temporary directory before moving it to the final location.

0.6.3 - June 29, 2022#

🔧 Fixed#

  • Fix the use of --count with the expose command.

  • #28 Deal with numpy.asscalar being deprecated in numpy 1.23. Restricted numpy<1.22.0 to prevent astropy 4 running along with numpy 1.23.

0.6.2 - June 4, 2022#

✨ New#

  • Adjust dependencies to support Python 3.10

🔧 Fixed#

  • Force sdsstools>=0.5.2 to fix the calculation of SJD.

0.6.1 - June 4, 2022#

✨ Improved#

  • Support defining a card in HeaderModel with a list (name, value, [comment]), e.g., header_model.append(("BIASFILE", "/data/bias.fits")).

0.6.0 - June 4, 2022#

🚀 New#

  • #26 The dirname in an ImageNamer now accepts the {sjd} placeholder which will be filled out with the SDSS-style MJD (as returned by sdsstools get_sjd()).

🔧 Fixed#

  • Prevent a problem in which if an exposure fails with an uncaught error the listener callback was not removed, which would cause duplicate messages being output in successive exposures.

  • Try and except when saving exposures to disk.

  • Fix case in actor when camera fails to return status.

  • Issues with zero seconds exposure time.

0.5.4 - January 7, 2022#

🚀 New#

  • Allow to list available cameras.

  • Make expose command unique.

🔧 Fixed#

  • Really (I hope) fixed the issue with compressed headers.

0.5.3 - December 14, 2021#

🚀 New#

  • Added a --count flag to the expose command to issue a number of continous exposures.

  • It’s now possible to pass a -n flag to expose to se the sequence number of the exposure. Useful when commanding multiple cameras that one wants to keep in sync.

🔧 Fixed#

  • Finally (?) fixed the problem of compressed headers not being read by some software like JS9. The solution is a bit of a hack that requires updating the file headers after writing them, but seems to work fine.

0.5.2 - November 24, 2021#

✨ Improved#

  • Add basecam version to default header.

  • Prevent isse when multiple cameras try to create the same directory at once.

0.5.1 - August 2, 2021#

✨ Improved#

  • Use furo and myst-parser for the documentation.

  • ImageNamer: allow to reset the sequence number when the directory changes.

0.5.0 - May 16, 2021#

🚀 New#

  • #19 Extension now accepts compression_params that are passed to CompImageHDU.

  • #20 Allow to dynamically add extra HDUs to Exposure.

  • #21 Allow to pass extra arguments to _expose_internal from the actor command.

  • Make BaseCamera.notify a public method.

  • #22 Add optional post-process step during exposure.

  • Add hook to invoke a post-process callback coroutine in the expose actor command.

  • Add get_schema to retrieve the actor schema as a dictionary.

✨ Improved#

  • Update CLU to ^1.0.0.

0.4.2 - February 16, 2021#

🚀 New#

  • #16 Use JSONSchema validation for actor keyword datamodel. The datamodel of the actor has been updated. The schema should work for all CLU actors, including LegacyActor although in this case the keywords will be flattened into a list.

  • CardGroup now accepts string items that are evaluated to default cards.

  • Complete version of the documentation.

✨ Improved#

  • #18 Improve notifications during an exposure.

0.4.1 - February 13, 2021#

🚀 New#

  • #13 Add a WCSCards macro that expands into full WCS header information.

  • Allow MacroCard.macro to return Card or CardGroup.

  • Allow HeaderModel to accept None as an item. This is useful to programmatically define cards that in some cases may not be added.

0.4.0 - February 12, 2021#

🚀 New#

  • Card now accepts a type to which to be cast. By default autocast=True will try to cast the value to the correct type after evaluating.

  • Card now accepts a default value to which it reverts if the value cannot be evaluated correctly.

  • Allow re-setting the ImageNamer basename dynamically. Call ImageNamer with the camera by default.

✨ Improved#

  • Simplify default cards.

  • Format using black and add type hinting to most of the codebase.

0.3.3 - December 7, 2020#

🔧 Fixed#

  • Retag of 0.3.2 with syntax error fixed.

0.3.2 - December 7, 2020#

🔧 Fixed#

  • Do not try to set logger format if it failed to create the file logger.

0.3.1 - October 31, 2020#

✨ Improved#

  • When verbose=False set the StreamHandler level to WARNING.

0.3.0 - August 1, 2020#

🚀 New#

  • #11 Breaking change. Exposure.write is now a coroutine and must be awaited if called directly. HDUList.writeto() is run in an executor.

🔧 Fixed#

  • When verbose=False set the StreamHandler level to ERROR to allow tracebacks.

0.2.0 - July 31, 2020#

✨ Improved#

  • Significant refactor. Most functionality is not affected but things are handled a bit differently, with some simplifications.

  • Use GitHub Workflows.

🔧 Fixed#

  • Fix CameraWarning when used from a CameraSystem instance.

0.1.1 - January 24, 2020#

✨ Improved#

  • Allow to use camera substitutions in ImageNamer.

  • Use asyncio exception handler in Poller.

  • Create intermediate directories when writing file.

  • Run exposure.write() in executor.

0.1.0 - January 20, 2020#

🚀 New#

  • Initial release.