
BaseCamera provides the basic functionality that should be common to any camera: connect, disconnect, and expose. However, most cameras have additional features such as temerature control, binning, etc. basecam implements some of the more frequent features by the way of mixins.

A mixin is a class that provides a specific functionality. Classes can be extended with that functionality by subclassing from the mixin. You can think of mixins as building blocks that encapsulate a specific feature.

For example, we can extend our initial camera example with a mixin that allows to read and set the temperature of the CCD

class MyCamera(BaseCamera, CoolerMixIn):

    async def _connect_internal(self, uid):
        self.device = lib.open(uid)

    async def _expose_internal(self, exposure):
        exptime = exposure.exptime
        await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.device.expose, exptime)
        array = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.device.read_frame)
        exposure.data = array

    async def _set_temperature_internal(self, temperature):
        return self.device.set_temp(temperature)

    async def _get_temperature_internal(self):
        return self.device.get_temp('ccd')

With this camera we can now do

>>> await camera.get_temperature():
>>> await camera.set_temperature(-30.)

Note that after subclassing from CoolerMixIn we need to define two new abstract methods: _set_temperature_internal and _get_temperature_internal. These methods define how to read and set the temperature of the CCD for this specific type of camera, and their implementation will change from camera to camera. The mixin also define two public methods: set_temperature and get_temperature. The public methods provide a uniform way to set and get the temperature from the CCD for all cameras wrapped with basecam.

basecam mixins#

Shutter mixin#

The ShutterMixIn interfaces with the camera shutter and allows to determine the current position of the shutter or open or close it. When subclassing, the user must override two abstract methods: _get_shutter_internal and _set_shutter_internal. The position of the shutter is defined as a boolean: True for open, False for closed. The mixin provides two public methods: get_shutter and set_shutter.

class MyCamera(BaseCamera, ShutterMixIn):
    async def _get_shutter_internal(self):
        pos = self.device.shutter
        if pos == 'O':
            return True
        elif pos == 'C':
            return False

    async def _set_shutter_internal(self, shutter):
        if shutter is True:

Exposure type mixin#

The ExposureTypeMixIn is a helper that adds a series of methods to the camera class that can be used to start an exposure with a specific image_type. The mixin provides: object, bias, dark, and flat. There is no need to define any abstract method with this mixin. When the camera subclasses from ExposureTypeMixIn one can do, for example

>>> image = await camera.flat(15.0, stack=3)

This is equivalent to calling await camera.expose(15.0, image_type='flat', stack=3). Any arguments passed to the mixin methods are forwarded to expose.

Cooler mixin#

As we saw earlier, the CoolerMixIn can be used to retrieve the CCD temperature and interface with the cooling system to set the desired set point. The mixin defines two abstract methods: _get_temperature_internal which returns the temperature from the camera, and _set_temperature_internal which accepts a temperature value and set the camera set point.

The mixin provides to public methods: get_temperature and set_temperature. set_temperature will block asynchronously until the temperature has been reached.

Image area mixin#

The ImageAreaMixIn allows to set the binning of the image and the area to expose (window). The image area is implemented by the abstract methods _get_image_area_internal and _set_image_area_internal, with their public counterparts get_image_area and set_image_area. The image area is defined as a 4-element tuple (x0, x1, y0, y1) where x0 and y0 are the coordinates for the lower left pixel of the window and x1 and y1 the upper right coordinates.

Binning is defined by the abstract methods _get_binning_internal (public get_binning) and _set_binning_internal (set_binning). The binning is a 2-element tuple with the horizontal and vertical binning.

Generally, cameras that allow to define an image area allow to set binning, and vice-versa, which is why these features are implemented in the same mixin. However. if a camera allows windowing but not binning, one can easily disable that feature

class MyCamera(BaseCamera, ImageAreaMixIn):
    async def _get_binning_internal(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('Binning is not allows in this camera')

    async def _set_binning_internal(self, hbin, vbin):
        raise NotImplementedError('Binning is not allows in this camera')

    async def _get_image_area_internal(self):

    async def _set_image_area_internal(self, area):

Creating new mixins#

Adding new mixins for your particular needs is trivial; just create a new class and define the public and private interfaces. For example, if your camera API allows to reboot it, you can implement a mixin for that feature

class RebootMixIn(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    async def reboot(self, delay=0.0):
        """Reboots the camera after a delay."""
        await asyncio.sleep(delay)
        await self._reboot_internal()

    async def _reboot_internal(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

It is recommended that you set the metaclass to abc.ABCMeta and that mark the abstract method with abc.abstractmethod since it ensures that _reboot_internal has been overridden or the program will throw an error when trying to import the class that contains the mixin.