Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2019-06-19
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import asyncio
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import time
import warnings
from logging import INFO, WARNING

from typing import (

import numpy

from sdsstools import get_logger, read_yaml_file
from sdsstools.logger import SDSSLogger

from basecam.models.fits import FITSModel

from .events import CameraEvent, CameraSystemEvent
from .exceptions import (
from .exposure import Exposure, ImageNamer
from .models import basic_fits_model
from .notifier import EventNotifier
from .utils import LoggerMixIn, Poller

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

__all__ = ["CameraSystem", "BaseCamera"]

AnyPath = Union[str, pathlib.Path]
_T_CameraSystem = TypeVar("_T_CameraSystem", bound="CameraSystem")
_T_BaseCamera = TypeVar("_T_BaseCamera", bound="BaseCamera")

[docs] class CameraSystem(LoggerMixIn, Generic[_T_BaseCamera], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A base class for the camera system. Provides an abstract class for the camera system, including camera connection/disconnection event handling, adding and removing cameras, etc. While the instance does not handle the loop, it assumes that an event loop is running elsewhere, for example via `asyncio.loop.run_forever`. Parameters ---------- camera_class The subclass of `.BaseCamera` to use with this camera system. camera_config A dictionary with the configuration parameters for the multiple cameras that can be present in the system, or the path to a YAML file. Refer to the documentation for details on the accepted format. include List of camera UIDs that can be connected. exclude List of camera UIDs that will be ignored. logger The logger instance to use. If `None`, a new logger will be created. log_header A string to be prefixed to each message logged. log_file The path to which to log. If set, the log will be saved to that file path. verbose Logging level for the console handler If `False`, only warnings and errors will be logged to the console. """ camera_class: Union[Type[_T_BaseCamera], None] = None include = None exclude = None def __init__( self, camera_class: Optional[Type[_T_BaseCamera]] = None, camera_config: Optional[Union[AnyPath, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, include: Optional[List[Any]] = None, exclude: Optional[List[Any]] = None, logger: Optional[SDSSLogger] = None, log_header: Optional[str] = None, log_file: Optional[AnyPath] = None, verbose: Optional[Union[bool, int]] = False, ): self.camera_class = camera_class or self.camera_class if not self.camera_class or not issubclass(self.camera_class, BaseCamera): raise ValueError("camera_class must be a subclass of BaseCamera.") self.include = self.include or include self.exclude = self.exclude or exclude logger_name = self.__class__.__name__.upper() self.log_header = log_header or f"[{logger_name.upper()}]: " self.logger = logger or cast(SDSSLogger, get_logger(logger_name)) if verbose: else: if log_file: self.logger.start_file_logger(str(log_file)) if self.logger.fh: assert self.logger.fh.formatter self.logger.fh.formatter.converter = time.gmtime self.log(f"logging to {log_file}") self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.loop.set_exception_handler(self.logger.asyncio_exception_handler) #: list: The list of cameras being handled. self.cameras: List[_T_BaseCamera] = [] self._camera_poller = None #: .EventNotifier: Notifies of `.CameraSystemEvent` and `.CameraEvent` events. self.notifier = EventNotifier() self._config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None if camera_config: if isinstance(camera_config, dict): self._config = camera_config.copy() else: self._config = cast(Dict[str, Any], read_yaml_file(str(camera_config))) self.log(f"read configuration file from {camera_config}") # If the config has a section named "cameras", prefer that. if self._config is not None: if isinstance(self._config.get("cameras", None), dict): self._config = self._config["cameras"] assert self._config is not None uids = [self._config[camera]["uid"] for camera in self._config] if len(uids) != len(set(uids)): raise ValueError("repeated UIDs in the configuration data.") self.running: bool = False
[docs] def setup(self): """Setup custom camera system. To be overridden by the subclass if needed. Must return ``self``. """ self.running = True return self
[docs] def get_camera_config( self, name: Optional[str] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], None]: """Gets camera parameters from the configuration. Parameters ---------- name The name of the camera. uid The unique identifier of the camera. Returns ------- camera_params A dictionary with the camera parameters. If the camera is not present in the configuration, returns `None`. """ assert name or uid, "either a name or unique identifier are required." if not self._config: return None if name: if name not in self._config: return None config_params = {"name": name} config_params.update(self._config[name]) return config_params else: for name_ in self._config: if self._config[name_]["uid"] == uid: config_params = {"name": name_} config_params.update(self._config[name_]) return config_params return None
[docs] async def start_camera_poller( self: _T_CameraSystem, interval: float = 1.0, ) -> _T_CameraSystem: """Monitors changes in the camera list. Issues calls to `.list_available_cameras` on an interval and compares the connected cameras with those in `.cameras`. New found cameras are added and cameras not present are cleanly removed. This poller should not be initiated if the camera API already provides a framework to detect camera events. In that case the event handler should be wrapped to call `.on_camera_connected` and `.on_camera_disconnected`. Similarly, if you prefer to handle camera connections manually, avoid starting this poller. Parameters ---------- interval Interval, in seconds, on which the connected cameras are polled for changes. """ if self._camera_poller is None: self._camera_poller = Poller("camera_poller", self._check_cameras) self._camera_poller.start(delay=interval) self.log("started camera poller.") return self
[docs] async def stop_camera_poller(self): """Stops the camera poller if it is running.""" if self._camera_poller and self._camera_poller.running: await self._camera_poller.stop()
async def _check_cameras(self): """Checks the list of connected cameras. This is an internal function to be used only by the camera poller. """ try: uids = self.list_available_cameras() except NotImplementedError: self.log( "get_connected cameras is not implemented. Stopping camera poller.", logging.ERROR, ) # It's important to not do await self.stop_camera_poller() # because that would stop the poller from inside the callback # and that creates a max recursion error. self.loop.create_task(self.stop_camera_poller()) return False # Checks cameras that are handled but not connected. to_remove = [] for camera in self.cameras: if camera.uid not in uids and not camera.force: self.log( f"camera with UID {camera.uid!r} ({}) has been removed.", logging.INFO, ) to_remove.append( for camera_name in to_remove: await self.remove_camera(camera_name) # Checks cameras that are connected. camera_uids = [camera.uid for camera in self.cameras] for uid in uids: if uid in camera_uids: continue elif self.include and uid not in self.include: continue elif self.exclude and uid in self.exclude: continue else: self.log(f"detected new camera with UID {uid!r}.", INFO) await self.add_camera(uid=uid)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def list_available_cameras(self) -> List[str]: """Lists the connected cameras as reported by the camera system. Returns ------- connected_cameras A list of unique identifiers of cameras connected to the system. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def add_camera( self, name: Optional[str] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, force: bool = False, autoconnect: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> BaseCamera: """Adds a new `camera <.BaseCamera>` instance to `.cameras`. The configuration values (if any) found in the configuration that match the ``name`` or ``uid`` of the camera will be used. These parameters can be overridden by providing additional keyword values for the corresponding parameters. Parameters ---------- name The name of the camera. uid The unique identifier for the camera. force Forces the camera to stay in the `.CameraSystem` list even if it does not appear in the system camera list. autoconnect Whether to autoconnect the camera. kwargs Other arguments to be passed to `.BaseCamera` during initialisation. These parameters override the default configuration where applicable. Returns ------- camera The new camera instance. """ assert name or uid, "either name or uid are required." camera_params = self.get_camera_config(name=name, uid=uid) or {} camera_params.update(kwargs) # At this point we do need to have an UID, either passed directly to # add_camera or from the configuration. uid = camera_params.get("uid", uid) if not uid: raise CameraError( "No camera UID provided or found in " f"the configuration for camera {name!r}." ) name = camera_params.pop("name", uid) connected_camera = self.get_camera(name=name, uid=uid) if connected_camera: self.log(f"camera {name!r} is already connected.", WARNING) return connected_camera self.log(f"adding camera {name!r} with parameters {camera_params!r}") assert self.camera_class camera = self.camera_class( uid, self, name=name, force=force, camera_params=camera_params ) # If the autoconnect parameter is set, connects the camera. if autoconnect and camera_params.pop("autoconnect", True): await camera.connect() else: self.log(f"camera {name!r} added but not connected.") self.cameras.append(camera) # Notify event self.notifier.notify(CameraSystemEvent.CAMERA_ADDED, camera_params) return camera
[docs] async def remove_camera( self, name: Optional[str] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, ): """Removes a camera, cancelling any ongoing process. Parameters ---------- name The name of the camera. uid The unique identifier for the camera. """ for camera in self.cameras: if == name or camera.uid == uid: await camera.disconnect() self.cameras.remove(camera) self.log(f"removed camera {!r}.") # Notify event self.notifier.notify( CameraSystemEvent.CAMERA_REMOVED, {"uid": camera.uid, "name":}, ) return raise ValueError(f"camera {name} is not connected.")
[docs] def get_camera( self, name: Optional[str] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[BaseCamera, Literal[False]]: """Gets a camera matching a name or UID. If only one camera is connected and the method is called without arguments, returns the camera. Parameters ---------- name The name of the camera. uid The unique identifier for the camera. Returns ------- camera The connected camera (must be one of the cameras in `.cameras`) whose name or UID matches the input parameters. Returns `False` if the camera was not found. """ if name is None and uid is None and len(self.cameras) == 1: return self.cameras[0] for camera in self.cameras: if name and == name: if uid: assert camera.uid == uid, "camera name does not match uid." return camera elif uid and camera.uid == uid: return camera return False
[docs] def on_camera_connected(self, uid: str) -> asyncio.Task[BaseCamera]: """Event handler for a newly connected camera. Parameters ---------- uid The unique identifier for the camera. Returns ------- task The task calling `.add_camera`. """ return self.loop.create_task(self.add_camera(uid=uid))
[docs] def on_camera_disconnected(self, uid: str) -> asyncio.Task[None]: """Event handler for a camera that was disconnected. Parameters ---------- uid The unique identifier for the camera. Returns ------- task The task calling `.remove_camera`. """ return self.loop.create_task(self.remove_camera(uid=uid))
[docs] async def disconnect(self): """Shuts down the system.""" if self._camera_poller and self._camera_poller.running: await self.stop_camera_poller() self.running = False
@property @abc.abstractmethod def __version__(self) -> str: """The version of the camera library.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class BaseCamera(LoggerMixIn, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A base class for wrapping a camera API in a standard implementation. Instantiating the `.BaseCamera` class does not open the camera and makes it ready to be used. To do that, call and await `.connect`. Parameters ---------- uid The unique identifier for the camera. camera_system The camera system handling this camera. name The name of the camera. If not set, the ``uid`` will be used. force Forces the camera to stay in the `.CameraSystem` list even if it does not appear in the system camera list. image_namer An instance of `.ImageNamer` used to sequentially assign predefined names to new exposure images, or a dictionary of parameters to be passed to `.ImageNamer` to create a new instance. If not set, creates an image namer with format ``{}-{num:04d}.fits``. camera_params Parameters used to define how to connect to the camera, its geometry, initialisation parameters, etc. The format of the parameters must follow the structure of the configuration file. Attributes ---------- connected : bool Whether the camera is open and connected. fits_model : .FITSModel An instance of `.FITSModel` defining the data model of the images taken by the camera. If not defined, a basic model will be used. image_namer : .ImageNamer And instance of `.ImageNamer` to determine the default file path for new exposures. If not provided, uses ``'{}-{num:04d}.fits'`` where ```` is the name of the camera, and ``num`` is a sequential counter. """ fits_model = basic_fits_model image_namer = ImageNamer( "{}-{num:04d}.fits", dirname=".", overwrite=False, ) def __init__( self, uid: str, camera_system: CameraSystem, name: Optional[str] = None, force: bool = False, image_namer: Optional[Union[ImageNamer, dict]] = None, camera_params={}, ): self.uid = uid = name or self.uid self.camera_system = camera_system self.loop = camera_system.loop self.connected = False self.force = force self.camera_params = camera_params if "uid" in camera_params and camera_params["uid"] != self.uid: raise CameraError("Mismatching UIDs between input and camera parameters.") self._status = {} if isinstance(image_namer, ImageNamer): self.image_namer = image_namer = self elif isinstance(image_namer, dict): self.image_namer = ImageNamer(**image_namer, camera=self) elif image_namer is None: pass else: raise CameraError(f"Invalid image namer {image_namer!r}") = self self.__version__ = self.camera_system.__version__ # Get the same logger as the camera system but use the UID or # name of the camera as prefix for messages from this camera. self.log_header = f"[{}]: " self.logger = self.camera_system.logger
[docs] async def connect( self: _T_BaseCamera, force: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> _T_BaseCamera: """Connects the camera and performs all the necessary setup. Parameters ---------- force Forces the camera to reconnect even if it's already connected. kwargs A series of keyword arguments to be passed to the internal implementation of ``connect`` for a the camera. If provided, they override the ``connection`` settings in the configuration for this camera. """ if self.connected and not force: raise CameraConnectionError("the camera is already connected.") conn_params = self.camera_params.get("connection", {}).copy() conn_params.update(kwargs) try: await self._connect_internal(**conn_params) self.connected = True except CameraConnectionError as ee: self.connected = False self.notify(CameraEvent.CAMERA_CONNECT_FAILED) raise CameraConnectionError(f"failed to connect: {ee}") self.log("camera connected.") self.notify(CameraEvent.CAMERA_CONNECTED) return self
[docs] def notify( self, event: CameraEvent, extra_payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Notifies an event.""" payload = self._get_basic_payload() payload.update(extra_payload or {}) self.camera_system.notifier.notify(event, payload)
[docs] def _get_basic_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a dictionary with basic payload for notifying events.""" return {"uid": self.uid, "name":, "camera": self}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def _connect_internal(self, **conn_params): """Internal method to connect the camera. Must raise `.CameraConnectionError` if the connection fails. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def status(self): """Returns the cached status. Equivalent to ``get_status(update=False)``.""" return self.get_status(update=False)
[docs] def get_status(self, update: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a dictionary with the camera status values. Parameters ---------- update If `True`, retrieves the status from the camera; otherwise returns the last cached status. """ if update or not self._status: try: self._status = self._status_internal() except Exception as err: self.log(f"Failed to receive status: {err}", WARNING) self._status = {} return self._status
[docs] def _status_internal(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Gets a dictionary with the status of the camera. This method is intended to be overridden by the specific camera. Returns ------- status A dictionary with status values from the camera (e.g., temperature, cooling status, firmware information, etc.) """ return {}
[docs] async def expose( self, exptime: float, image_type: str = "object", stack: int = 1, stack_function: Callable[..., numpy.ndarray] = numpy.median, fits_model: Optional[FITSModel] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, num: Optional[int] = None, write: bool = False, postprocess: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Exposure: """Exposes the camera. This is the general method to expose the camera. It receives the exposure time and type of exposure, along with other necessary arguments, and returns an `.Exposure` instance with the data and metadata for the image. The `.Exposure` object is created and populated by `.expose` and passed to the parent mixins for the camera class. It is also passed to the internal expose method where the concrete implementation of the camera expose system happens. Parameters ---------- exptime The exposure time for the image, in seconds. image_type The type of image (``{'bias', 'dark', 'object', 'flat'}``). stack Number of images to stack. stack_function The function to apply to the several images taken to generate the final stacked image. Defaults to the median. fits_model A `.FITSModel` that can be used to override the default model for the camera. filename The path where to write the image. If not given, a new name is automatically assigned based on the camera instance of `.ImageNamer`. num If specified, a ``num`` value to pass wot `.ImageNamer` to define the sequence number of the exposure filename. write If `True`, writes the image to disk immediately. postprocess Whether to run the post-process stage. This argument is ignored if the subclass of `.BaseCamera` does not override ``_post_process_internal``. kwargs Other keyword arguments to pass to the internal expose and post-process methods. Returns ------- exposure An `.Exposure` object containing the image data, exposure time, and header datamodel. """ exptime = exptime or 0.0 fits_model = fits_model or self.fits_model if exptime < 0: raise ExposureError("exposure time cannot be < 0") if image_type == "bias" and exptime > 0: warnings.warn("setting exposure time for bias to 0", ExposureWarning) exptime = 0.0 exposures: List[Exposure] = [] notif_payload = { "exptime": exptime, "remaining_time": exptime, "image_type": image_type, "n_stack": stack, "current_stack": 1, } for idx in range(stack): notif_payload.update({"current_stack": idx + 1}) exposure = Exposure(self, fits_model=fits_model) exposure.image_type = image_type exposure.exptime = exptime self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_INTEGRATING, notif_payload) try: await self._expose_internal(exposure, **kwargs) except Exception as err: self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_FAILED, {"error": str(err)}) raise ExposureError(str(err)) if is None: error = "data was not taken." self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_FAILED, {"error": error}) raise ExposureError(error) exposures.append(exposure) if len(exposures) > 1: data = [ for exp in exposures if is not None ] stacked_data = stack_function(numpy.stack(data), axis=0) exposures[0].data = stacked_data exposure = exposures[0] exposure.exptime_n = exptime * stack exposure.stack = stack exposure.stack_function = stack_function if exposure.filename is not None: if filename: exposure.filename = str(filename) else: exposure.filename = str(filename or self.image_namer(self, num=num)) notif_payload = { "exptime_total": exposure.exptime_n, "image_type": image_type, "current_stack": 0, "n_stack": 0, } self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_DONE, notif_payload) if postprocess: try: exposure = await self._post_process_internal(exposure, **kwargs) except ExposureError: self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_POST_PROCESS_FAILED) raise if write: filename = os.path.realpath(str(exposure.filename)) self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_WRITING, {"filename": filename}) try: await exposure.write() except Exception as err: raise ExposureError(f"Failed writing image to disk: {err}") self.notify(CameraEvent.EXPOSURE_WRITTEN, {"filename": filename}) return exposure
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def _expose_internal(self, exposure: Exposure, **kwargs) -> Exposure: """Internal method to handle camera exposures. This method handles the entire process of exposing and reading the camera and return an array or FITS object with the exposed frame. If necessary, it must handle the correct operation of the shutter before and after the exposure. The method receives an `.Exposure` instance in which the exposure time, image type, and other parameters have been set by `.expose`. Additional parameters can be passed via the ``kwargs`` arguments. The camera instance can be accessed via the ```` attribute. The method is responsible for adding any relevant attributes in the exposure instance. The time of the start of the exposure is initially set just before `._expose_internal` is called, but if necessary it must be updated when the camera is actually commanded to expose (or, if flushing occurs, when the integration starts). Finally, it must set ```` with the image as a Numpy array. Parameters ---------- exposure The exposure being taken. kwargs Other keyword arguments to configure the exposure. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def _post_process_internal(self, exposure: Exposure, **kwargs) -> Exposure: """Performs post-process on an exposure. This method can be overridden to perform additional processing on the already read exposure. It's called by `.expose` after `._expose_internal` is complete but before the image is returned to the user or written to disk. The user is responsible for issuing any events. If an `.ExposureError` is raised, the error will be propagated and the exposure will not be returned. """ return exposure
[docs] async def disconnect(self) -> bool: """Shuts down the camera.""" try: await self._disconnect_internal() except CameraConnectionError as ee: self.notify(CameraEvent.CAMERA_DISCONNECT_FAILED) raise CameraConnectionError(f"failed to disconnect: {ee}") self.log("camera has been disconnected.") self.notify(CameraEvent.CAMERA_DISCONNECTED) return True
[docs] async def _disconnect_internal(self): """Internal method to disconnect a camera. Must raise a `.CameraConnectionError` if the shutdown fails. """ pass