Source code for basecam.exceptions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2019-08-05
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

import inspect

from . import camera

[docs] class CameraError(Exception): """A custom core exception""" def __init__(self, message=""): stack = inspect.stack() f_locals = stack[1][0].f_locals if "self" in f_locals: class_ = f_locals["self"] if isinstance(class_, camera.BaseCamera): camera_name = f_locals["self"].name elif isinstance(class_, camera.CameraSystem): camera_name = "CAMERA_SYSTEM" else: camera_name = "UNKNOWN" super().__init__(f"{camera_name} - {message}") else: super().__init__(f"{message}")
[docs] class CameraConnectionError(CameraError): """An error to be raised if the camera fails to connect/disconnect."""
[docs] class ExposureError(Exception): """The exposure failed."""
[docs] class FITSModelError(Exception): """An error related to the FITS model."""
[docs] class CardError(FITSModelError): """Error raised by a FITS `.Card`."""
[docs] class CameraWarning(UserWarning): """Base warning.""" def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs): stack = inspect.stack() f_locals = stack[1][0].f_locals if "self" in f_locals: class_ = f_locals["self"] if isinstance(class_, camera.BaseCamera): camera_name = f_locals["self"].name elif isinstance(class_, camera.CameraSystem): camera_name = "CAMERA_SYSTEM" else: camera_name = "UNKNOWN" super().__init__(f"{camera_name} - {message}") else: super().__init__(f"{message}")
[docs] class ExposureWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for exposures."""
[docs] class FITSModelWarning(UserWarning): """A warnings related to the FITS model."""
[docs] class CardWarning(FITSModelWarning): """Warning raised by a FITS `.Card`."""