Source code for basecam.exposure

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2020-01-10
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import functools
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings

from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import astropy
import as fits
import astropy.time
import astropy.wcs
import numpy
from import BinTableHDU, HDUList, ImageHDU

from sdsstools.time import get_sjd

import basecam.models
from basecam.exceptions import ExposureError

from .utils import gzip_async

__all__ = ["Exposure", "ImageNamer"]

[docs] class Exposure(object): """Exposure class. Represents an exposure data and its metadata. An `.Exposure` is defined by the raw image taken by the camera, a series of attributes that define the exposure (exposure time, shutter, etc.) and a data model that is used to generate the FITS file for the exposure. Parameters ---------- camera The instance of a subclass of `.BaseCamera` that took this exposure. filename The filename of the FITS image generated. data The exposure raw data, as a 2D array. fits_model The `model <.FITSModel>` to create the FITS image. If `None`, a single extension with a basic header will be used. wcs The WCS object describing the astrometry of this exposure. Attributes ---------- image_type The type of image, one of ``bias``, ``flat``, ``dark``, ``object``. exptime : float The exposure time, in seconds, of a single integration. exptime_n : float The total exposure time, in seconds. If the image is stacked, this is the total time, i.e., the sum of the exposure time of each stacked image. stack : int Number of exposures stacked. stack_function Name of the function used for stacking. filename The path where to write the image. wcs : ~astropy.wcs.WCS The WCS object describing the astrometry of this exposure. """ def __init__( self, camera:, filename: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, fits_model: Optional[basecam.models.FITSModel] = None, wcs: Optional[astropy.wcs.WCS] = None, ): = camera = data self.fits_model = fits_model.copy() if fits_model else None self.filename = filename self._obstime: astropy.time.Time = self.exptime: Optional[float] = None self.exptime_n: Optional[float] = None self.stack: int = 1 self.stack_function: Optional[Callable[..., numpy.ndarray]] = None self.image_type: Optional[str] = None self._extra_hdus: List[Tuple[Union[BinTableHDU, ImageHDU], Optional[int]]] = [] self.wcs = wcs @property def obstime(self) -> astropy.time.Time: """The time at the beginning of the observation. It must be an `astropy.time.Time` object or a datetime in ISO format; in the latter case, UTC scale is assumed. """ return self._obstime @obstime.setter def obstime(self, value: astropy.time.Time): if isinstance(value, astropy.time.Time): self._obstime = value elif isinstance(value, str): self._obstime = astropy.time.Time(value, format="iso", scale="utc") else: raise ExposureError(f"invalid obstime {value}")
[docs] def add_hdu(self, hdu: Union[BinTableHDU, ImageHDU], index: Optional[int] = None): """Adds an HDU to the list of extensions. Parameters ---------- hdu The `` or `` HDU to append. index The index where the extension will be added. Extra HDUs are inserted in order after the FITS model has been generated. ``index=None`` appends the new HDU at the end of the list. Note that ```` may change the final order of the extensions to ensure that a primary HDU remains as the first HDU. """ assert isinstance(hdu, (BinTableHDU, ImageHDU)), "invalid HDU type" self._extra_hdus.append((hdu, index))
[docs] def to_hdu(self, context={}) -> HDUList: """Return an `` for the image. Parameters ---------- context A dictionary of arguments used to evaluate the FITS model. Returns ------- hdulist A list of HDUs in which the FITS data model has been evaluated for this exposure. """ fits_model = self.fits_model or basecam.models.FITSModel() hdulist = fits_model.to_hdu(self, context=context) for hdu, index in self._extra_hdus: if index: hdulist.insert(index, hdu) else: hdulist.append(hdu) return hdulist
[docs] async def write( self, filename: Optional[str] = None, context={}, overwrite=False, checksum=True, retry=True, ) -> HDUList: """Writes the image to disk. Parameters ---------- filename The path where to write the file. If not provided, uses ``Exposure.filename``. context A dictionary of arguments used to evaluate the FITS model. overwrite Whether to overwrite the image if it exists. checksum When `True` adds both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` cards to the headers of all HDUs written to the file. retry If `True` and the image fails to write, tries again. This can be useful when writing to network volumen where failures are more frequent. Returns ------- hdulist A list of HDUs in which the FITS data model has been evaluated for this exposure. """ filename = filename or self.filename if not filename: raise ExposureError("filename not set.") hdulist = self.to_hdu(context=context) dirname = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(filename)) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() filename = str(filename) for ntry in range(2): try: if filename.endswith(".gz"): # We compress in a local temporary file, which is faster when we are # going to save a file across the network. tmp_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gz").name # Astropy compresses with gzip -9 which takes forever. # Instead we compress manually with -1, which is still pretty good. writeto_partial = functools.partial( hdulist.writeto, tmp_name[:-3], overwrite=overwrite, checksum=checksum, ) await loop.run_in_executor(None, writeto_partial) await gzip_async(tmp_name[:-3], complevel=1) shutil.move(tmp_name, filename) else: writeto_partial = functools.partial( hdulist.writeto, filename, overwrite=overwrite, checksum=checksum, ) await loop.run_in_executor(None, writeto_partial) break except Exception as err: if ntry == 0 and retry is True: warnings.warn( f"Retrying after exposure writing failed with error: {err}" ) continue else: raise ExposureError(f"Failed writing exposure to disk: {err}") # Horrible hack to try to fix compressed headers. update_hdu =, mode="update") for ext in update_hdu: try: if "BSCALE" in ext.header: BSCALE = ext.header.pop("BSCALE", 1) BZERO = ext.header.pop("BZERO", 2**15) ext.header["BSCALE"] = BSCALE ext.header["BZERO"] = BZERO except Exception: raise pass update_hdu.close() return hdulist
[docs] class ImageNamer(object): """Creates a new sequential filename for an image. Parameters ---------- basename The basename of the image filenames. Must contain a placeholder ``num`` in the place where to insert the sequence number. For example, ``'test-{num:04d}.fits'`` will produce image names ``test-0001.fits``, ``test-0002.fits``, etc. It's also possible to use placeholders for camera values, e.g. ``{}-{num}.fits``. dirname The directory for the images. Can include an expression based on the ``date`` substitution which is a `` object. For example: ``dirname='/data/{camera.uid}/{int(date.mjd)}'``. overwrite If `True`, the sequence will start at 1 regardless of the existing images. If `False`, the first element in the sequence will be selected to avoid colliding with any image already existing in the directory. camera A `.BaseCamera` instance. It can also be passed when calling the instance. reset_sequence Resets the sequence number when the directory changes (for example when the MJD rolls over). Examples -------- >>> namer = ImageNamer('{}-{num:04d}.fits', dirname='testdir') >>> namer(camera=camera) PosixPath('testdir/my_camera-0001.fits') >>> namer(camera=camera) PosixPath('testdir/my_camera-0002.fits') """ def __init__( self, basename: str = "{}-{num:04d}.fits", dirname: str = ".", overwrite: bool = False, camera: Optional[] = None, reset_sequence: bool = True, ): assert re.match(r".+(\{num.+\}).+", basename), "invalid basename." self._basename: str self.basename = basename self.dirname: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = pathlib.Path(dirname) self.overwrite: bool = overwrite self._last_num: int = 0 self._previous_dirname: str | None = None self._reset_sequence = reset_sequence = camera @property def basename(self) -> str: """The image name pattern.""" return self._basename @basename.setter def basename(self, value: str): """Sets the basename.""" # We want to expand everything except the num first so we "double-escape" it. self._basename = re.sub(r"(\{num.+\})", r"{\1}", value)
[docs] def get_dirname(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Returns the evaluated dirname.""" date = sjd = get_sjd(raise_error=False) dirname = pathlib.Path( eval( f'f"{self.dirname}"', {}, {"date": date, "camera":, "sjd": sjd}, ) ) if self._previous_dirname and self._previous_dirname != str(dirname): if self._reset_sequence: self._last_num = 0 self._previous_dirname = str(dirname) return dirname
def _get_num(self, basename: str) -> int: """Returns the counter value.""" if self.overwrite: return self._last_num + 1 regex = re.compile(re.sub(r"\{num.+\}", "(?P<num>[0-9]*?)", basename)) dirname = self.get_dirname() all_files = list(map(str, dirname.glob("*"))) match_files = list(filter(, all_files)) if len(match_files) == 0: return self._last_num + 1 matches = [ for file in match_files] values = [int( for match in matches if match is not None] return max(values) + 1 def __call__( self, camera: Optional[] = None, update_num: bool = True, num: Optional[int] = None, ) -> pathlib.Path: camera = camera or if camera: expanded_basename = self.basename.format(camera=camera) else: expanded_basename = self.basename.format() dirname = self.get_dirname() num = num or self._get_num(expanded_basename) path = dirname / expanded_basename.format(num=num) if update_num: self._last_num = num return path