Source code for basecam.models.card

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2021-02-10
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import re
import warnings
from import Iterable
from contextlib import contextmanager

from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union, cast

import astropy.wcs

from basecam import __version__

from ..exceptions import CardError, CardWarning
from ..exposure import Exposure

__all__ = [

class EvaluatedCard(NamedTuple):
    """A tuple describing the result of evaluating a `.Card`."""

    name: str
    value: Any
    comment: str

[docs] class Card(object): """A card representing a single entry in the header. This class is similar to astropy's `` with the difference that the value of the card does not need to be a literal and is evaluated when `.evaluate` is called. The value of the card can be: - A Python literal. - A callable, with a list of arguments, that is called when the card is evaluated. - A string using Python's :ref:`python:formatstrings`. As with normal strings, the replacement fields are surrounded by ``{`` and ``}`` and filled when `.evaluate` is called. The replacement fields can point to an attribute, function, method, or property. In addition, it is possible to use the string ``__exposure__`` and ``__camera__`` to refer to the `.Exposure` instance for which this card will be evaluated, and the instance of `.BaseCamera` that took the image, respectively. For example, ``value='{}'`` will be replaced with the name of the camera, and ``value='{__exposure__.obstime}'`` will retrieve the time of the start of the exposure. - A string to be evaluated using Python's `eval` function. For example, ``value='__camera__.get_temperature()'``. If the ``name`` of the card is one of the :ref:`Default Cards <default-cards>`, the value and comment are automatically defined and do not need to be specified. Parameters ---------- name The name of the card. Will be trimmed to 8 characters. Can be one of the :ref:`Default Cards <default-cards>` names, which defines the value and comment. value A Python literal, callable, or string, as described above. comment A short comment describing the card value. default Default value to use if the card value contains placeholders that are not provided while the card is evaluated. type The type of the card value. The value will be casted after processing. autocast If `True` and ``type`` is not defined, tries to cast the value. fargs If ``value`` is a callable, the arguments to pass to it when it gets called. The arguments are evaluated following the same rules as with the ``value`` before being passed to the callable. evaluate If `True`, assumes the value is a string to be evaluated in realtime. The context is used as ``locals`` for the evaluation. For security, ``globals`` are not available. context A dictionary of parameters used to fill the value replacement fields. Two values, ``__exposure__`` and ``__camera__``, are always defined. This context can be updated during the evaluation of the card. """ def __new__(cls, name: Union[str, Iterable[Any]], *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(name, str): if cls == Card and name.upper() in DEFAULT_CARDS: if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: return DEFAULT_CARDS[name.upper()] return super().__new__(cls) return cls(*name) def __init__( self, name: Union[str, Iterable[Any]], value: Any = "", comment: str = "", type: Optional[type] = None, autocast: bool = True, default: Any = None, fargs: Optional[tuple] = None, evaluate: bool = False, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ): if hasattr(self, "name"): return assert isinstance(name, str) = name if len( > 8: warnings.warn(f"trimming {} to 8 characters", CardWarning) =[:8] self.value = value self.comment = comment self._default = default self._type = type self._autocast = autocast self._fargs = fargs self._evaluate = evaluate self.context = context or {} def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} (name={!r}, value={self.value!r})>"
[docs] @contextmanager def set_exposure(self, exposure, context={}): """Sets the current exposure and context, clearing it on exit.""" original_context = self.context.copy() try: self._exposure = exposure self.context.update({"__exposure__": self._exposure}) if hasattr(self._exposure, "camera") and self.context.update({"__camera__":}) self.context.update(context) yield finally: self._exposure = None self.context = original_context
def _render_value(self, value): """Returns the value after evaluating the string template.""" if not isinstance(value, str): return value if self._evaluate: return eval(value, {}, self.context) # Get a list of the placeholders, if any. placeholders = re.findall(r"{([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)\.?.*?}", value) if not all([p in self.context for p in placeholders]): if self._default: return self._default else: raise ValueError( "The context does not include all the Card value placeholders." ) # Expand the placeholders. If there are none, no harm done. return value.format(**self.context) def _evaluate_callable(self, func, use_fargs=True): """Evaluates a value that is a callable function or method.""" if use_fargs and self._fargs: # Evaluate the fargs as values so that we can apply # all the magic to them as well. fargs = ( self._evaluate_value(farg, use_fargs=False) for farg in self._fargs ) return func(*fargs) return func() def _evaluate_value(self, value, use_fargs=True): """Evaluates a value, expanding its template.""" if callable(value): return self._evaluate_callable(value, use_fargs=use_fargs) return self._render_value(value)
[docs] def evaluate( self, exposure: Exposure, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> EvaluatedCard: """Evaluates the card. Evaluates the card value, expanding its template parameters. If the value is a callable, calls the function at this time. Parameters ---------- exposure The exposure for which we want to evaluate the card. context A dictionary of arguments used to evaluate the parameters in the value. These argument update those defined when the `.Card` was created. Returns ------- EvaluatedCard A tuple with the name, evaluated value, and comment for this card. """ with self.set_exposure(exposure, context): try: rendered_value = self._evaluate_value(self.value) except BaseException: if self._default: rendered_value = self._default else: raise if self._type: rendered_value = self._type(rendered_value) elif self._autocast and isinstance(rendered_value, str): rendered_value = cast(str, rendered_value) if re.match("^true$", rendered_value, re.IGNORECASE): rendered_value = True elif re.match("^false$", rendered_value, re.IGNORECASE): rendered_value = False elif re.match("^none$", rendered_value, re.IGNORECASE): rendered_value = self._default if self._default else "None" else: try: rendered_value = int(rendered_value) except ValueError: try: rendered_value = float(rendered_value) except ValueError: pass return EvaluatedCard(, rendered_value, self.comment)
[docs] class CardGroup(list): """A group of `.Card` instances. A `.CardGroup` is just a list of `Cards <.Card>` that are grouped for convenience and for easy reuse. Parameters ---------- cards A list of `.Card` instances. Elements can also be a tuple of two or three elements (for name, value, and optionally a comment) or a string with a default card. name A name for the card group. use_group_title Whether to prepend a COMMENT card with the group title when creating a header. """ name: Optional[str] = None def __init__( self, cards: Iterable[Union[Card, Iterable, str]], name: Optional[str] = None, use_group_title: bool = True, ): = name or self.use_group_title: bool = use_group_title cards = [self._process_input(card) for card in cards or []] list.__init__(self, cards) def __repr__(self): return f"<CardGroup {list.__repr__(self)!s}>" def _process_input(self, card: Union[Card, Iterable]): """Processes the input and converts it into a valid card.""" if isinstance(card, Card): return card elif isinstance(card, (Iterable, str)): return Card(card) else: raise CardError(f"invalid card {card}")
[docs] def append(self, card: Card): list.append(self, self._process_input(card))
[docs] def insert(self, idx, card: Card): list.insert(self, idx, self._process_input(card))
[docs] def evaluate(self, exposure, context={}): """Evaluates all the cards. Parameters ---------- exposure : .Exposure The exposure for which we want to evaluate the cards. context : dict A dictionary of arguments used to evaluate the cards. Returns ------- list A list of tuples with the name, evaluated value, and comment for each card. """ return [card.evaluate(exposure, context=context) for card in self]
[docs] def to_header( self, exposure: Exposure, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}, use_group_title: bool = False, ) -> """Evaluates all the cards and returns a header. Parameters ---------- exposure The exposure for which we want to evaluate the cards. context A dictionary of arguments used to evaluate the cards. use_group_title Whether to prepend a COMMENT card with the group title when creating the header. Returns ------- header A header composed from the cards in the group. """ header =, context=context)) use_group_title = use_group_title or self.use_group_title if use_group_title and header.insert(0, ("COMMENT", "{s:#^30}".format(s=f" {} "))) return header
[docs] class MacroCard(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A macro that returns a list of keywords and values. This is an abstract class in which the `.macro` method must be overridden to return a list of keywords and values that can be used to create a header. Parameters ---------- name A name for the macro group. use_group_title Whether to prepend a COMMENT card with the macro title when creating a header. kwargs Additional arguments for the macro. """ name = None def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, use_group_title: bool = False, **kwargs, ): = name or self.use_group_title = use_group_title self.kwargs = kwargs def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} (name={})>"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def macro(self, exposure: Exposure, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}): """The macro. Must return a list of item which can be tuples with the format ``(keyword, value, comment)`` or ``(keyword, value)``, `.Card` instances, or `.CardGroup` instances. Cards and card groups will be evaluated. Parameters ---------- exposure The exposure for which we want to evaluate the macro. context A dictionary of parameters that can be used by the macro. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate(self, exposure: Exposure, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> List[tuple]: """Evaluates the macro. Equivalent to calling `.macro` directly. Parameters ---------- exposure The exposure for which we want to evaluate the macro. context A dictionary of parameters that can be used by the macro. Returns ------- tuples A list of tuples with the format ``(keyword, value, comment)`` or ``(keyword, value)``. """ cards = self.macro(exposure, context=context) new_cards = [] for card in cards: if isinstance(card, Card): new_cards.append(card.evaluate(exposure, context=context)) elif isinstance(card, CardGroup): new_cards += card.evaluate(exposure, context=context) else: new_cards.append(card) return new_cards
[docs] def to_header( self, exposure: Exposure, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}, use_group_title=False, ) -> """Evaluates the macro and returns a header. Parameters ---------- exposure The exposure for which we want to evaluate the macro. context A dictionary of arguments used to evaluate the macro. use_group_title Whether to prepend a COMMENT card with the macro title when creating the header. Returns ------- header A header composed from the cards in the macro. """ header =, context=context)) use_group_title = use_group_title or self.use_group_title if use_group_title and header.insert(0, ("COMMENT", "{s:#^30}".format(s=f" {} "))) return header
[docs] class WCSCards(MacroCard): """A macro that adds WCS header information. To use, just add ``WCSCards()`` to the header model and make sure the ``Exposure.wcs`` is set. If ``Exposure.wcs=None``, a default WCS header will be added. """ name = "WCS information"
[docs] def macro(self, exposure: Exposure, context: Dict[str, Any] = {}): if exposure.wcs is None: wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS() else: wcs = exposure.wcs return list(wcs.to_header().cards)
[docs] class DefaultCard(Card): pass
#: Default cards DEFAULT_CARDS: Dict[str, DefaultCard] = { "EXPTIME": DefaultCard( "EXPTIME", value="{__exposure__.exptime}", comment="Exposure time of single integration [s]", type=float, ), "EXPTIMEN": DefaultCard( "EXPTIMEN", value="{__exposure__.exptime_n}", comment="Total exposure time [s]", default=-999, ), "STACK": DefaultCard( "STACK", value="{__exposure__.stack}", comment="Number of stacked frames", default=1, type=int, ), "STACKFUN": DefaultCard( "STACKFUN", value="{__exposure__.stack_function.__name__}", comment="Function used for stacking", default="NA", ), "OBSTIME": DefaultCard( "OBSTIME", value="{__exposure__.obstime.tai}", comment="Time of the start of the exposure [TAI]", ), "IMAGETYP": DefaultCard( "IMAGETYP", value="{__exposure__.image_type}", comment="The image type of the file", ), "CAMNAME": DefaultCard( "CAMNAME", value="{}", comment="Camera name", default="NA", ), "CAMUID": DefaultCard( "CAMUID", value="{__camera__.uid}", comment="Camera UID", default="NA", ), "VCAM": DefaultCard( "VCAM", value="{__camera__.__version__}", comment="Version of the camera library", default="NA", ), "BASECAMV": DefaultCard( "BASECAMV", value=__version__, comment="Basecam version", default="NA", ), }